Belmont | Whole Home

Living in tight quarters with three small children, my client was feeling paralyzed by all of the stuff everywhere and didn’t know where to begin. We came in and introduced systems throughout the family’s home so that everything had a proper spot to live. A lot of the work involved decluttering and moving less frequently used or seasonal items to the basement. We helped the kids to figure out what books, clothes, and toys they no longer needed or wanted. Now that everyone knows what goes where, tidying up doesn’t require as much time or energy, and is more likely to get done!






“Between the start of school for my three kids, being sick, and just general chaos, my house was a wreck. I had lots of ideas of how I wanted to get my house back in shape and none of it actually happened. So I turned to Slimm Design, and months of mental to-do lists got done in just 4 hours (mostly without my involvement)! I highly recommend Sylvia and Nicole to get organized, and if they've already organized your place, then a quick refresh to stay organized is such a treat. Treat yourself!”

- Taylor, Mom and Talented Potter


Arlington | Basement


Waltham | Whole Home